Rest in peace my friend..
Diego Ruiz
Name Diego Ruiz
Rest in peace my friend
My Dearest Diego,
I am saddened to hear that you were taken so early and in such a tragic way, as i write this letter this morning you will be laid to rest today 10.22.2016. I will not be attending your funeral as this hits too close to home for me, i lost my eldest son in a tragic situation and almost lost my youngest son in a horrific motor cycle accident not too long ago, he was blessed to have walked away with minor injuries, It has been a very hard week at work for all of us and we are still trying to process the fact that you will no longer be around but will always be part of our work family,I did not know you on a personal level but your Infectious personality and warm smile was hard to ignore, as you are laid to rest today please know-
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand....
Juliette Anderson @ Great Health Works.